Friday, February 17, 2006

The journey begins...

Welcome to the first of many installments in this Marketing Groove blog...

So before we get into the serious news, information and insights, many of you will be asking:

Why another blog about marketing??

Let's face it, in this ever changing commercial landscape, it is an arduous task to run a business especially if you are a smaller operator. By the time you've dealt with all the tactical components of the business, it's hard to dedicate time to your strategic planning, and beyond setting plans - actually doing the necessary reseach to implement the appropriate plans for your business and markets.

And so - Marketing Groove was born!!!

Designed to be an easily accessible realm for business operators to stay in touch with what's happening in the world of marketing.

So what to expect:

A constant flow of insights, news and reviews from the exciting world of marketing. This is not designed to be a "How To" style guide, but more of a forum for sharing valuable research and information.

Importantly, this blog is not a one way communication - quite the contrary, and I welcome constant feedback from visitors, with the goal to share their thoughts and experiences and make the blog a more valuable resource for all...

So enough with the preface and on with the show...